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Cooking Tips
Easy Hard Boiled Eggs
Adding two tablespoons of Heinz® White Vinegar per quart of water
before boiling eggs will prevent cracking, and the shells will peel off
faster and easier when they’re done.
Fabulous Fish
You can enhance the flavor of your favorite grilled fish dishes by
adding a dash of Heinz® White Vinegar. For firmer, whiter fish, soak
your favorite filet or seafood steak for 20 minutes in one quart of
water and two tablespoons of vinegar.
Fresh Air - Naturally
In addition to adding flavor to your meal, leave a bowl of Heinz®
distilled white vinegar on your counter while cooking to remove all
cooking odors. Works great when cooking fish!
Meat Tenderizer and Marinade
A mixture of one-half cup of white, cider or wine vinegar added to a cup of liquid bouillon makes a great marinade base.
Easy Buttermilk
When a recipe calls for buttermilk and you don’t have any on hand,
just add a tablespoon of Heinz® White Vinegar to a cup of milk.
Vegetable Revival
To revive vegetables that look a little tired and wilted, soak them in
one quart of cold water and a tablespoon of Heinz® White Vinegar.
Too Sweet? Too Salty?
To rescue a recipe that tastes too sweet or too salty after you’ve
mixed the ingredients, try adding a dash of Heinz® White Vinegar. It may
save the day.
Fluffy White Rice
For fluffier, great-tasting rice, just add a teaspoon of white vinegar
to the boiling water. Your rice will be easier to spoon out and less
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