Sunday, September 23, 2012

Fast & Easy Homemade Pizza Bread Recipe

Hi Everyone,

I made a pizza bread last night and wanted to share the recipe and it's turn out. It was a huge success and so easy to make. I didn't think to get pictures as i was putting it together , But it is easy to image by following my directions:

  • Ingredients:
  • 1 store bought bag of dough (if frozen let thaw first)
  • 1 stick of pepperoni
  • 1 bag blended italian cheeses
  • 1 small can of tomato sauce
  • 1 small bag of fresh or frozen spinach
  • 1 small can of mushrooms
  • grated cheese
  • Toothpicks
  • cookie sheet
  • oil,garlic,parsley,oregano,basil,salt,pepper,garlic powder
I buy pre-made dough from the grocery store (they now have dough in multi grain, which i did try making pizza bread with last month and it came out really good too.)

Let the dough stay in its bag from the store on the counter for about an hour, or until it starts to raise.

Once that happens gently take it out with lightly floured hands and put it on a lightly floured surface.

kneed it out a bit, turning it over a few times than let it sit for a minute or so. In the mean time lightly oil a cookie sheet and pre heat the oven at 400 degrees.

Now take the dough and lay it on the baking sheet spreading it by lightly pulling and stretching it to the corners. (It won't stay in place right away you have to keep pushing it) Be careful not to put holes in it, if you do pull some dough around it and mend it.  Also don't pull the dough to thin, or when you roll it,you'll get splits.

Now once it is spread out on the cookie sheet lightly pat it with olive oil, and cover the dough with a slightly damp dish towel for about 1/2 hour. (If your in a hurry you can skip this last step, but the dough taste better if it raises a bit more)

Now remove the dish towel and spread your sauce and garlic on the dough ( I use the diced garlic in the jar, but you can use any type of garlic) At this point you can stuff it with anything you like (And i would love for you to leave comments on your ideas of food items to stuff it with,I'm always looking for new foods to try. )

Now lay thin diced peperoni, drained diced mushrooms,drained if frozen spinach across it. How much is up to you, I tend to not lay to heavy because it falls out when eating it. Now add your spices

parsley,oregano,basil,salt,pepper,garlic powder YUP more garlic..., next your grated cheese and than your blended mozzarella cheese.

Roll your dough length wise till you meet the other side, than close it with toothpicks. I lay it corner to corner on the cookie sheet for baking. I also VERY LIGHTLY rub olive oil on the top and sprinkle with grated cheese. Now toss it into the oven and bake for about 30-40 min., or until golden brown. ( I like mine a little doughy inside with a crunchy crust on the outside.)

You may see splits in the dough and some stuffing coming out but that's normal.
Once its done to your liking remove from the oven take out the toothpicks than slice and enjoy.Its best right out of the oven while the crust is crunchy. But is still awesome the next day too.

My son loves to take slices to school for lunch. And Every time I have a house full of guest i serve it on the buffet table in 3 different versions , the above way,than broccoli,spinach and cheese for my non meat eating guest, and than a hot sausage and hot pepper version.
Hope you enjoy.
And please leave a comment on how yours came out or if you have any other filling ideas.

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